中訳(繁体字)イヌ「愛犬養護大全/Complete Dog Care Manual」Dr. Bruce Fogle(布魯士・霍格)著 萬里書店出版 1995年10月第4次印刷 HK$188.00 192頁 0.91㎏ 26×20.3×2.3㎝ Hardcover
【内容紹介】全面而廣泛地介紹愛犬?養和護理方面的實用知識和技術。深入介紹犬隻飼養、皮毛梳洗、養犬用具、平時訓練、生育繁殖、?後護理、閹割手術以及犬種選擇等。以 650 幅彩色圖片配合敘述文字,形像演示有關?容。結合豐富的圖表,講解犬類疾病的症?、診斷、治療以及護理病犬的知識。介紹犬隻在窒息、??、創傷、咬傷、中毒以及被車撞傷等情況下的急救基本法。
【英語原著より内容紹介】Everything a dog owner needs to know to keep their canine companion healthy and happy. Step-by-step photographs and anatomical diagrams show you how to take care of your dog from feeding and grooming to breeding and administering first aid. Packed with information from the RSPCA and the world's bestselling practising vet Dr. Bruce Fogle, this one stop guide is an essential for every dog owner.
【英語原著より著者について】Dr Bruce Fogle, DVM, MRCVS, is a world-renowned expert in animal health and behaviour. He lectures internationally, frequently appears on TV and radio and writes for a variety of newspapers and magazines. His previous books include New Complete Dog Training Manual, Dog Owners Manual, Dogalog and RSPCA What?s up with my Dog. He resides in London and Arundel, Sussex.
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