英語/医学「鏡よ鏡、壁を離れて:絡み合った強迫性スペクトラム障害の個人的経験:身体醜形恐怖症と抜毛症/Mirror Mirror Off the Wall:A Personal Experience of Intertwined Obsessive/Compulsive Spectrum Disorders: Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Trichotillomania」Jenifer Wolf著 Writers Club Press 2003年 US$14.95 160頁 15.2 x 1 x 22.9 cm 0.26㎏ Paperback
【裏表紙より内容紹介】A personal account of how knowledge combined with pharmaceuticals can ameliorate the symptoms of obsessive/compulsive spectrum disorders. "Mirror, Mirror Off the Wall is a sensitive, powerful exploration of Obsessive/Compulsive Spectrum Disorders by a talented writer. Author Jenifer Wolf shares her own intimate experiences and her in-depth research into the subject. She quotes from her diary and describes her own struggles and discoveries. The book is full of important information and interesting anecdotes about people suffering from these disorders. It is a book of hope, pointing out the many therapies, support groups and various organizations available. Mirror, Mirror Off The Wall can help readers understand and cope with all types of mental and emotional problems. It is a well-written experiential book.” -Maryanne Raphael, Author Of Along Came A Spider: A Personal Look At Madness
"This book provides a provocative look at one woman's experience living with, and coming to terms with, a body focused behavior that is complex and little understood.” -Christina Dubowsky Pearson, Executive Director of the Trichotillomania Learning Center, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA.
【ウィキペディア強迫性障害より】……その原因は不明である。同様の症状を生み出す複数の疾患の基盤にある連続性に注目し、それらを強迫スペクトラム障害 (OCSD) として、その特異な関連の研究が行われている。このスペクトラムには自閉症、アスペルガー症候群、チック、トゥレット障害、抜毛症、皮膚むしり症、自傷行為、身体醜形恐怖、摂食障害、依存症などが含まれている。……
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