英語(+日語)/経済「Against the Gods:The Remarkable Story of Risk/リスク―神々への反逆」Peter L. Bernstein著 Wiley 1998年発行 目次他14頁+383頁 US$14.95 22.8×14.2×2.7㎝ 0.56㎏ Paperback *日経ビジネス人文庫刊青山護訳日訳書『リスク―神々への反逆』(上下・中古・並・無料)を同梱致します。ご不要でしたら取引ナビにてお知らせ下さい。
【出版社からのコメント】To what degree should we rely on our past to determine our future? This riveting book describes how the rational process of risk taking propelled the progress of science and enterprise into the modern world of speed, power, instant communication, and sophisticated finance. Risk management is now an indispensable skill whose applications range from allocating wealth through planning a family to wearing a seatbelt. Drawing upon history and biography to trace the development of its concepts, the author explains the origin of risk management--the basics of probability, sampling, regression to the mean, game theory, and rational versus irrational decision making. Bernstein introduces complex concepts via an accessible, entertaining narrative between the great minds behind the ideas. Against the Gods features the epic quests and questions of great thinkers such as Pascal, Fermat and von Neumann who have embarked on a reworkable adventure of intellectual discovery, proving that the future is more than just the whim of the gods, that men and women are not passive before nature.
【リスク―神々への反逆 (日経ビジネス人文庫)より内容紹介】人類は神々に逆らってリスクの謎に挑み、やがて科学やビジネスのあり方を一変させた! 賭博師からノーベル賞学者まで、歴史上の天才・異才たちが繰り広げるリスク探求の物語を壮大なスケールで描いたベストセラー。
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