英語/アメリカ野球/ドン・ジマー「The Zen of Zim: Baseballs, Beanballs, and Bosses」Don Zimmer, Bill Madden著 Lou Piniella/ルー・ピネラ序 2004年初版 Thomas Dunne Books発行 目次他13頁+241頁 US$24.95 24.1×16.1×2.3㎝ 0.55㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【カバーより】Don Zimmer is baseball. His first book, Zim-A Baseball Life, was a New York Times bestseller and one of the best baseball memoirs ever published. Now, in The Zen of Zim, one of baseball's most beloved figures offers readers an insightful look into the baseball of yesterday and today. Baseball fans will love hearing Zim's positions on such things as pitching inside, managing, bosses, and more.
With more than fifty-six years in baseball, Don Zimmer had seen it all, or so he thought before he ran into George Steinbrenner. Here Zimmer provides a revealing account of his eight years as Joe Torre's right-hand man-and the jealousy, vindictiveness, and pettiness that ultimately destroyed a twenty-five-year friendship with Steinbrenner.
Zim will also discuss the circumstances that led to his charging onto the field at Fenway Park and throwing a haymaker at Boston Red Sox pitcher Pedro Martinez. He'll share with readers what it was like to work for other baseball owners; shed new light on general managers like Branch Rickey and Dan Duquette; and critique the managing styles of some of the most famous and notorious skippers of the twentieth century, from Casey Stengel and Earl Weaver to Gene Mauch and Billy Martin.
In a chapter called "What Have They Done to My Game?," Zim will offer a crash course in baseball anthropology, describing how the game and its players have changed over the past fifty years and showing how big money and free agency have destroyed clubhouse camaraderie and turned a team sport into a transient game. In contrast, he celebrates his close-knit teammates on the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers team and the lifelong friendships that were made.
Zim has seen it all, and here readers learn even more of his life and dreams and of baseball through a half century of experience. It is a story jam-packed with laughs and anecdotes, with excitement and comedy. And it is superbly told.
【ウィキペディアより】ドナルド・ウィリアム・ジマー(Donald William "Don" Zimmer , 1931年1月17日 - 2014年6月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国オハイオ州シンシナティ出身のプロ野球選手(内野手)・プロ野球監督。ニックネームは"Popeye"(ポパイ)、または"Gerbil"(ジャービル=スナネズミ)。
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