英語「Interactive TV Standards:A Guide to MHP,OCAP,and Java TV/双方向テレビ規格」Steven Morris, Anthony Smith-Chaigneau共著 Elsevier Ink. 2005年初版発行 目次等26頁+585頁 US$69.95 19.6x3.2x24cm 1.39㎏ Hardcover
【裏表紙より内容紹介】For any digital TV developer or manager, the maze of standards and specifications related to MHP and OCAP is daunting-you have to patch together pieces from several standards to gather all the necessary knowledge you need to compete worldwide. The standards themselves can be confusing, and contain many inconsistencies and missing pieces. Interactive TV Standards provides a guide for actually deploying these technologies for a broadcaster or product and application developer.……
裏表紙より著者について】・Steven Morris is an experienced developer in the area of interactive digital television. Formerly of Philips Electronics, one of the major players in the development of MHP, he was heavily involved in the development of the standard, its predecessors, and related standards such as JavaTV. In addition to work on the standard itself, Steven has experience developing MHP middleware and applications and is the Webmaster and content author for the 'Interactive TV Web' website (www.interactivetvweb.org and www.mhp-interactive.org), a key resource for MHP, JavaTV and OCAP developers.
・Anthony Smith-Chaigneau is the former Head of Marketing & Communications for the DVB Consortium. In that role, he created the first MHP website www.mhp.org and was responsible for driving the market implementation of this specification. Anthony left the DVB to join Advanced Digital Broadcast, where he helped them bring the first commercial MHP receivers to market. He is still heavily involved in the DVB MHP committees with Osmosys, an MHP and OCAP licensing company, based out of Switzerland.eloper.……
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