英語/紙刺繍/CD-ROM付「 machine embroidery on paper」Annette Gentry Bailey著 Krause Publications 2006年発行 48頁 US$22.99 21x0,5x27,6cm 0.24㎏ Paperback
【裏表紙より内容紹介】Use Your Embroidery Machine to Embellish Paper
Embellishing paper with machine embroidery is a masterful show of creativity. The combination of paper, threads and embellishments are truly works of art. Machine Embroidery on Paper explains how to get started embroidering on paper, plus gives you step-by-step instructions to create many beautiful techniques and projects. No matter what your skill level, you can successfully complete embroidered paper projects when you follow the tips and tricks of expert Annette Gentry Bailey.
・Multi-format CD-ROM for all embroidery machines
・32 projects with step-by-step instructions on CD-ROM
・21 machine embroidery designs with 10 bonus word designs
・Instructions to combine designs to make dozens more new designs
・Design artwork for hand embroidery or traditional sewing machine stitches
The ideas in Machine Embroidery on Paper will get you started on the road to embellishing paper and you'll soon discover that the possibilities are endless.
【amasayaさんより紙刺繍紹介 】紙刺繍…と聞いてピンとくる人は少ないかもしれません。まだ日本ではあまり浸透していませんが、ヨーロッパでは50年程前にポストカードに刺繍をするのが流行したこともあり、海外では昔から親しまれてきた手芸のひとつでした。布にする刺繍と、刺し方もちょっと違いますがコツさえつかめば布より簡単、アレンジも幅広い!でも仕上がりは繊細。ペーパークラフトの分野にもちょっと近い、面白い手芸です。……
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