5G NR(ファイブジーエヌアール)は、第5世代移動通信システム(5Gモバイルネットワーク)用に3GPPによって仕様策定された新しい無線アクセス技術 (Radio Access Technology: RAT)。
Included is a detailed description of the NR physical-layer structure and higher-layer protocols, RF and spectrum aspects and co-existence and interworking with LTE. The book provides a good understanding of NR and the different NR technology components, giving insight into why a certain solution was selected.
Content includes:
Key radio-related requirements of NR, design principles, technical features
Details of basic NR transmission structure, showing where it has been inherited from LTE and where it deviates from it, and the reasons why
NR Multi-antenna transmission functionality
Detailed description of the signals and functionality of the initial NR access, including signals for synchronization and system information, random access and paging
LTE/NR co-existence in the same spectrum, the benefits of their interworking as one system
The different aspects of mobility in NR RF requirements for NR will be described both for BS and UE, both for the legacy bands and for the new mm-wave bands