【送料無料】60年代米国サイケデリック女性ヴォーカルバンド2CD[THE NEIGHB’RHOOD CHILDRE’N/Long Years In Space]+[Bow Street Runners]

【送料無料】60年代米国サイケデリック女性ヴォーカルバンド2CD[THE NEIGHB’RHOOD CHILDRE’N/Long Years In Space]+[Bow Street Runners] 收藏

当前价格: 2500 日元(合 127.00 人民币)

一口价: 2500 (合 127.00 人民币)











开始时间:02/01/2025 19:52:33

个 数:1

结束时间:02/08/2025 19:52:33








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【送料無料60年代米国サイケデリック女性ヴォーカル・バンド2CD[THE NEIGHBRHOOD CHILDREN/Long Years In Space]+[Bow Street Runners]ジェファーソン・エアプエイン
[THE NEIGHBRHOOD CHILDREN/Long Years In Space] 241967-1968年作品 SUNDAZED SC11041 1997CD発売 米国盤(カナダ盤)
[Bow Street Runners /bow street runners] 101970年作品 SUNDAZED SC6112 1996CD発売 米国盤(カナダ盤)
                           レコード・コレクターズ20027月号 サイケデリックの狂乱 伊藤秀世氏ライナーノーツより

『ドット・レコード傘下のアクタから684月にリリースされたネイバーフッド・チルドレン、最初で唯一の同名アルバム(14)に、シングル曲、未発表曲を加えた24曲入り。--  オレゴン州出身の男女4人組。スリ―ヴ・デザインの示す通り、時代の潮流に乗ってサンフランシスコ・サウンドを打ち出している。2曲目など、紅一点、ダイアン・ホフマンの歌唱はグレイス・スリックの影響モロ。彼女が弾くオルガンや、ファズ・ギターなどサマー・オブ・ラブの意匠に満ちたロックを聴かせる。』
                                                    レコード・コレクターズ20079月号 安田謙一氏ライナーノーツより

                            レコード・コレクターズ20027月号 サイケデリックの狂乱 編集部ライナーノーツより

                                            レコード・コレクターズ20091月号 安田謙一氏ライナーノーツより



[Free Shipping] 60's American Psychedelic Female Vocal Band 2CD[THE NEIGHB'RHOOD CHILDRE'N/Long Years In Space]+[Bow Street Runners]Jefferson Airpein
[free shipping]
We will exhibit two CDs of American psychedelic female vocal groups in the 60's and 70's released by Sandazed Records in the United States. It is not a rental omission. It's one or two auditions.
① [THE NEIGHB'RHOOD CHILDRE'N/Long Years In Space] All 24 songs 1967-1968 SUNDAZED SC11041 1997 CD release US version (Canada version)
          *See Image 5 for detailed song titles.
② [Bow Street Runners /bow street runners] All 10 songs 1970 SUNDAZED SC6112 1996 CD released US version (Canada version)
          *Please see image 6 for detailed song titles.
① is
"Formed around Rick Boltz (guitar). A soft/psychedelic rock group from California, USA with female vocals and reminiscent of Jefferson Erupain. Debuted in 1968 with the self-titled album [Neighborhood Children] from the Acta label. The group's only album, which includes folk-rock songs reminiscent of The Bath, is a masterpiece of the psychedelic scene. Disbanded in 1970. ] CD Journal
“From the spring of 1967, when Jefferson Airpuain achieved commercial success, he must have been the most outstanding of the followers that surged from all over the country. I thought they were a genuine San Francisco band, but they are actually from Oregon. On this one and only album, the spacey trip sound induced by fuzz guitar and rhythmic organ will be the highlight. Although somewhat bland, the three-dimensional use of male and female vocalists is skillful. However, personally, I am strongly attracted to the static folky psychedelia that Diane Hoffman's crystal voice spins in several songs. On the other hand, there are miscellaneous miscellaneous ways of playing "Somewhere over the Rainbow", such as the absurdity of taking up "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and the play that seems to have been prepared only for the enjoyment of improvisation. As many excavated sound sources have been added to this CD, nearly 10 songs that have already been released, including only the essential singles, have not been recorded, if you go back to the predecessor Navalz. 』
                                                                                Record Collectors July 2002 Psychedelic Frenzy From Hideyo Ito's liner notes

"Neighborhood Children's first and only album with the same name (14 tracks), released in April 1968 by Acta under Dot Records, contains 24 tracks, including singles and unreleased tracks. -Omitted- A quartet of men and women from Oregon. As indicated by the sleeve design, they are riding the tide of the times and launching the San Francisco sound. The singing of Diane Hoffman, the only female, such as the second song, is influenced by Grace Slick. Listen to the organ she plays and the rock full of summer of love designs such as fuzz guitar. 』
                                                                                Record Collectors September 2007 issue Kenichi Yasuda's liner notes

② is
“A five-piece band based in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The record's sound, with its light show-inspired jacket, has been described as a blend of Jefferson Airpuain and The Doors, but it also features growling keyboards and fuzz guitars (with a wah-wah effect). Attractive strong connections. Although there are songs such as somewhat childish blues rock, there is also a composition that makes you feel a prog-like atmosphere, and the psychedelic mood of the opening track "Electric Star", which has a floating melody and female vocals, is quite comfortable. 』
                                                                               Record Collectors July 2002 Psychedelic Frenzy From editorial department liner notes

“They might be confused with the British blues band Bo Street Runners, but this is Bow... A five-piece rock band from Fayetteville, North Carolina. The album of the same name, released in 1970 on the Tokens label B.T. ① featuring a female vocal is a good song reminiscent of It's A Beautiful Day's "White Bird". ④ is also sung by a female singer, but the artist photo on the back cover shows only five male figures. No detailed profile. Blues-tinged numbers such as ③⑦⑧⑨ are the mainstream. I'm sure there are fans of Wah Fuzz's lead guitar, which was so naively old-fashioned. ⑤, in which the deep chorus creates an acid mood, was worth listening to. 』
                                                                                Record Collectors January 2009 issue Kenichi Yasuda liner notes
I'm sorry, but I won't sell them separately. Please purchase a set of 2. Although it was carefully stored, the board surface is beautiful, but the storage period was long, so please refrain from nervous people. I need your help by a no claim no return. I will try to ship quickly.

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