●Vesper Mass Op.44
1. Bless the Lord, O my soul
2. Blessed is the man
3. Theotokion dogmatikon of the 7th voice
4. O gladsome radiance
5. The Lord is king
6. Lord, now lettest
7. Hail, Theotokos Virgin
8. Praise ye the name of the Lord
9. Angel Council
10. From my youth up
11. Arise, O God
12. Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
13. Save, O Lord, Thy people
14. Sunday irmosi of the 7th voice
15. My soul doth magnify the Lord
16. Great Doxology
17. Sunday troparion.
18.Queen of the Heavenly Host
ウラジーミル・マトリン bass (2, 13).
マリーナ・ゲオルギエフスカヤ soprano (15).
"Orthodox Motherland" Choir