【送料無料】AKB48ノースリーブスCD/DVD2枚組[no3b]峯岸みなみフォトブック付 名曲「私は私」収録+春コンin 国立競技場DVD2枚組 大島優子

【送料無料】AKB48ノースリーブスCD/DVD2枚組[no3b]峯岸みなみフォトブック付 名曲「私は私」収録+春コンin 国立競技場DVD2枚組 大島優子 收藏

当前价格: 3000 日元(合 152.40 人民币)

一口价: 3000 (合 152.40 人民币)











开始时间:02/01/2025 21:01:42

个 数:1

结束时间:02/08/2025 19:01:04








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【送料無料】AKB48 ノースリーブスCD/DVD2枚組[no3b] 峯岸みなみフォトブック同封 名曲「私は私」収録
         +春コンin 国立競技場DVD2枚組  大島優子卒業
AKB48のユニット ノースリーブスのファーストCD
① [no3b] DVD付き     峯岸みなみフォトブック同封
② [AKB48単独春コンin国立競技場DVD2枚組  購入特典; 大島優子オリジナルポストカード3枚付


ちなみに55曲というとんでもない曲数を、披露し4つのチームが途切れなく(MCは除く)メインステージと張り出しステージに登場しますが、25曲目「Confession」から始まる大島優子をメインに組まれたいくつものユニットはゴージャスで、国立のステージ裏の渋谷のセルリアンタワーに沈んでゆく夕焼けの「夕陽を見ているか?」は峯岸みなみやこじはるさんの涙顔もあいまって圧巻です!まさにコンサートサブタイトルの《~思い出は全部ここに捨てていけ~》そのものの光景です。またチームKのステージレパートリー「ごめんね ジュエル」を「島崎遥香」「渡辺美優紀」「川栄李奈」をバック?に歌う大島優子の存在がアイドル界《完全無敵のAKB48》を感じさせます。43曲目「UZA」の空中パフォーマンスは伝説へ。



[Free shipping] AKB48 sleeveless CD/DVD 2-disc set [no3b] Minami Minegishi photo book included Includes famous song "Watashi wa Watashi"
          + Harucon in National Stadium 2 DVD set Yuko Oshima Graduation
[free shipping]
AKB48 Unit Her Sleeveless First CD
① [no3b] Includes Minami Minegishi photo book with DVD
② [AKB48 Solo Spring Concert in National Stadium] DVD 2-disc set purchase privilege; Yuko Oshima original postcard 3 pieces included
will be exhibited. It is not a rental omission.
① is the first CD of AKB48's unit "Sleeveless" consisting of Minami Takahashi, Haruna Kojima, and Minami Minegishi. There are boards featuring each member, but this CD contains Minami Minegishi's solo song "Watashi wa Watashi". The included photo book and DVD are also centered on Minami Minegishi. The sleeveless version of Yoshimasa Inoue's famous song "Heart-shaped Virus" is also included, and it has a deeper and more powerful sound than the AKB48 version.

② is the only solo "National Stadium" concert that has reached the top for AKB48. The next day, March 30, 2014, the AKB Group as a whole was scheduled to hold a graduation performance for Yuko Oshima, but unfortunately it was canceled due to bad weather. As a result, it was the only one concert at the National Stadium, which was about to be demolished.

AKB has released many concert video DVDs, but this solo concert is definitely one of the top 3 concerts. Each member's maturity level is MAX, and the unity of each team is strong, and each member looks sparkling under Yuko Oshima's power. Oshima Team K will show off their last athletic meet, while Umeda Team B, which includes Haruna Kojima, Haruka Shimazaki, and Miyuki Watanabe, will show off an army of beautiful women that has never been seen before in AKB48 history. The big mistake that will happen after this with the 9th generation members who are scattered in all teams still alive? Considering the group shuffle formation and the attack at the handshake event, it may have started to go downhill after this concert.
By the way, the 4 teams performed a ridiculous number of 55 songs and appeared on the main stage and overhang stage without interruption (excluding the MC), but Yuko Oshima, who started with the 25th song "Confession", was the main group. The mono unit is gorgeous, and Minami Minegishi and Kojiharu Minegishi's teary face in the sunset behind the Kunitachi stage in Shibuya's Cerulean Tower, "Are you looking at the sunset?" It is exactly the scene of the concert subtitle “-Throw away all your memories here-” itself. Team K's stage repertoire "Gomenne Kanojo no Jewel" backed by "Haruka Shimazaki", "Miyuki Watanabe" and "Rina Kawaei"? The existence of Yuko Oshima who sings to makes you feel the idol world “completely invincible AKB48”. The aerial performance of the 43rd song "UZA" became a legend.
By the way, the AKB best 3 concerts other than Kunitachi are "September 2010 Yakushiji dedication performance" and "August 2013 Tokyo Dome Sayaka Akimoto graduation performance". Even if we can't appear on Kohaku or win the Record Award, the legacy left by AKB48 over the past 18 years is enormous and great!
I'm sorry, but I won't sell them separately. Please purchase a set of 2. Although it was carefully stored, the board surface is beautiful, but the storage period was long, so please refrain from nervous people. I need your help by a no claim no return. I will try to ship quickly.
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