英語(+日語2冊)「The Peninsula Question/ザ・ペニンシュラ・クエスチョン:朝鮮半島第二次核危機」船橋洋一著 Brookings Institution Press 2008年発行 目次他12頁+592頁 24×16.3×4㎝ 1.02㎏(英語版のみで、3冊では1.47㎏) Hardcover Dustjacket
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【Brookings Institutionより内容紹介】In October 2002 the United States confronted North Korea with suspicions that Pyongyang was enriching uranium in violation of the Agreed Framework that the nations had worked out during the Clinton administration. North Korea subsequently evicted international monitors and resumed its nuclear weapons program. The Peninsula Question chronicles the resulting second Korean nuclear crisis. Japanese journalist Yoichi Funabashi, informed by interviews with more than 160 diplomats and decision makers from China, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States, provides a behind-the-scenes look at the negotiations to denuclearize the peninsula. Between 2002 and 2006, a series of top level diplomats, including the prime minister of Japan, attempted to engage with North Korea. Funabashi illustrates how the individual efforts of these major powers laid the groundwork for multilateral negotiations, first as the trilateral meeting and then as the Six-Party Talks. ……
【カバー袖より著者について】Yoichi Funabashi is editor-in-chief of the Asahi Shimbun in Tokyo as well as a former visiting fellow and Distinguished Guest Scholar in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the editor of Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific (United States Institute of Peace Press, 2003) and the author of Alliance Adrift (Council on Foreign Relations, 1998).
【カバー袖より著者略歴 】1944年北京生まれ。元朝日新聞社主筆。同北京特派員、ワシントン特派員、アメリカ総局長などを歴任。この間の報道、執筆で、ボーン・上田賞、石橋湛山賞、日本記者クラブ賞などを受賞。2011年9月から慶應義塾大学特別招聘教授。著書に、『内部―ある中国報告』(サントリー学芸賞)、『通貨烈烈』(吉野作造賞)、『同盟漂流』(新潮学芸賞)など
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