書 名:Style Deficit Disorder : Harajuku Street Fashion-tokyo
The Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo has become an international style mecca, a street-level fashion scene prowled by major designers looking for inspiration, and whose local, cutting-edge labels enjoy global cache. Style Deficit Disorder is the first book to explore this remixed, fast-forward fashion hotbed, profiling its most daring and influential designers, labels, stylists, and shops (including Comme des Garons, Hysteric Glamour, Super Lovers, A Bathing Ape, and Laforet). Featuring nearly 200 photos, essays by key Japanese fashion editors, and commentary by Edison Chen, Patricia Field, John Galliano, Shawn Stussy, Shu Uemura and others, this is a must-have, insider's look at an international fashion and pop culture epicenter, past, present, and future.
出版社:chronicle books 2007
サイズ:約256×185×23mm ハードカバー
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