【送料無料】60年代ビートルズ カヴァー・オリジナル曲CD[THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVASION]+ビートルズ・クリスマスレコードCD

【送料無料】60年代ビートルズ カヴァー・オリジナル曲CD[THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVASION]+ビートルズ・クリスマスレコードCD 收藏

当前价格: 4000 日元(合 203.20 人民币)

一口价: 4000 (合 203.20 人民币)











开始时间:02/01/2025 21:10:08

个 数:1

结束时间:02/08/2025 19:09:32








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【送料無料60年代ビートルズカヴァー・オリジナル曲CD[THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVASION]+ビートルズ・クリスマスレコードCD
【送料無料】でブリテイッシュ・インヴェイジョン勢がカヴァーしたオリジナル曲CD[THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVAS1ON]とビートルズが1963年から1969年までファンクラブ向けに配布したクリスマスレコードを収録したCD2枚を出品致します。レンタル落ちではありません。
[THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVAS1ON/V.A.] 20302 066 334 2  2002CD発売  米国盤
[THE BEATLES COMPLETE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION 1963-1969] 9テイク55min YD031 1992CD発売 Yellow Dog
                                           レコード・コレクターズ200212月号 杉原志啓氏ライナーノーツより
ビートルズ旋風が英国から米国へそして世界中に広がっていった1963年暮れにビートルズは、クリスマス・レコードの録音を開始し、毎年12月にファンクラブの会員に無料で配布していました。初期に配布されたレコードにはファンへのメッセージが中心、後期に配布されたレコードには寸劇や音楽が収録されていました。この「クリスマス・レコード」は活動を休止する1969年の暮れまで続きビートルズ・ファンにとっては正規盤以外の唯一の音源(?)として貴重なアイテムでした。現在も1967年録音の「CRISTMAS TIME IS HERE AGAIN」がシングルCD「フリー・アズ・ア・バード」のカップリング曲として1995年に正式リリースされたのみで、他の年代のヴァージョンは正式リリースには至っていません。しかし1968年ヴァージョンにはポール自作曲「HAPPY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR」が、1969年ヴァージョンにも同じくポール自作曲「THIS IS TO WISH YOU」が収録されており両曲とも‘ホワイト・アルバム’に入りそうな佳曲です。1967年ヴァージョンが楽曲としても寸劇としても出来が良く‘サージェント・ペパー’の空気感と‘スウィンギング・ロンドン’の匂いのする楽曲(?)として成立しています。音質は良好なモノラル録音です。




[Free shipping] 60's Beatles cover and original song CD [THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVASION] + Beatles Christmas record CD

[Free shipping] I am offering two CDs: the original song CD [THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVASION] covered by the British Invasion band, and a CD containing Christmas records that the Beatles distributed to their fan club from 1963 to 1969. Not a rental copy.

①[THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE BRITISH INVASION/V.A.] 20 songs total 302 066 334 2 CD released in 2002 US edition
*For detailed artist and song names, please see image 5.

②[THE BEATLES COMPLETE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION 1963-1969] 9 takes, 55 min YD031 Released on CD in 1992 by Yellow Dog

*For detailed take names, please see image 6.

① is
"An omnibus album is also just one idea. If that's the case, then as the title and cover design suggest, this CD, which covers the original classics from the late 50s to 66 that were covered by British Invasion artists, is a true triumph of ideas. After all, if you were to collect all the original single records included here, it would take a tremendous amount of time and money. The songs included are all the big hits of British beat bands that made the brilliance and presence of the original songs known all over the world. The highlights are the chic and sticky Donnays (⑤) (The Beatles), the original song that almost no one knows (⑥) (Millie Small), and the rare R&B song (⑫) (The Moody Blues) that has no hit record and is difficult to find. In any case, if you look through this album, you can see that British beat bands were quite good at covering hit songs of the same era with straightforward arrangements and loud sounds. 』

From the liner notes of Record Collectors, December 2002 issue, by Sugihara Shigehiro

② is
At the end of 1963, when the Beatles whirlwind spread from the UK to the US and then all over the world, The Beatles began recording Christmas records and distributed them free of charge to members of their fan club every December. The records distributed in the early days mainly contained messages to the fans, while the records distributed in the later days contained skits and music. This "Christmas Record" continued until the end of 1969, when the band went on hiatus, and was a valuable item for Beatles fans as the only recording other than the official release. Currently, only the 1967 recording of "Christmas Time Is Here Again" was officially released in 1995 as a coupling track on the single CD "Free as a Bird," and the versions from other years have not yet been officially released. However, the 1968 version includes Paul's original song "Happy Christmas, Happy New Year," and the 1969 version includes Paul's original song "This Is to Wish You," both of which are great songs that could be included in the "White Album." The 1967 version is well-made both as a song and a skit, and has the atmosphere of "Sgt. Pepper" and the scent of "Swinging London." The sound quality is good and it is a mono recording. I am listing these items to clear out my inventory, but unfortunately I will not be selling them separately. Please purchase as a set of two. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are clean, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. I will do my best to ship as quickly as possible.

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