PCG Greedy Snorlax Cool Porygon Japanese Original  くいしんぼカビゴンなど

PCG Greedy Snorlax Cool Porygon Japanese Original  くいしんぼカビゴンなど 收藏

当前价格: 850000 日元(合 42500.00 人民币)










开始时间:02/06/2025 18:20:59

个 数:1

结束时间:02/09/2025 18:20:59








卖家账号:tarako22 收藏卖家



店家评价:好评:4093 差评:5 拉黑卖家

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PCG Greedy Snorlax Cool Porygon Japanese Original 

PCG Greedy Snorlax Cool Porygon Japanese Original

This item is the original first print in Japan, being listed in the current market where only the mass-produced CD promos in North America are sold at high prices. The initial release of this item was included in the N64 campaign, and after the campaign ended, it was sold in Japanese card game shops for between 9,000 and 20,000 yen within less than a year. This offering is an unopened item in perfect preservation from the first print. I found it by chance in my storage.

Particularly noteworthy is the "Greedy Snorlax." This card is one of the exceptionally strong cards from the old back era, existing only in the Japanese version with no foreign language prints. If an old back limited construction event were to be held today, only about 15 types of tournament decks could be created for the old back, with this card being one of the important ones due to its colorless nature, making it easy to use. It is included in 2 to 4 copies in multiple tournament decks, giving it significant value beyond mere collection.

(2024年 10月 31日 23時 18分 追加)

(2024年 11月 1日 0時 26分 追加)

(2024年 11月 1日 17時 54分 追加)
To all current Pokmon card collectors, it might be interesting to hear the perspective of an adult who was aware of the situation at the time, so let me testify about the story of Greedy Snorlax. When it was only obtainable through the N64 campaign, you had to pay up to 20,000 yen for the first print in Japan, and it was rare to find a card game shop with stock during the market's early days. Therefore, apart from adult financial power, the only way to collect four cards was to quickly purchase four N64s during the campaign period, making it a valuable item.

The reprinted CD promos were mostly bought in North America, and the price in Japan only dropped to around 9,000 yen. However, in North America, the price of the reprinted CD promo Greedy Snorlax was only $3, as most of the price was absorbed by the inclusion of special Charizard and Blastoise cards, leading to an oversupply. So, I purchased about 20 reprinted Greedy Snorlax cards from a card shop in the USA during a time when communication methods were still immature and brought them to Japan. If you wanted to create 15 typical old back decks, you needed that many, and it was more important than the famous first edition Blastoise. And I still have one unopened set prepared.

Changing the subject, if you are interested in this listing, you probably already have the Cool Porygon CD promo, which can be bought for around 30,000 yen. If you compare it with the Cool Porygon you have on hand through the unopened packaging and find that there are no changes since they were printed at the same printing house, I recommend keeping this item unopened. Opening it will drastically reduce its collection value. And if it is accepted for appraisal by PSA or similar as an "unopened N64 promo," it could be the first confirmed existing one, allowing you to enjoy its unknown value.

(2024年 11月 1日 18時 30分 追加)
When considering a commemorative old back limited tournament, the first edition Blastoise was famous for the Turbo Blastoise copy used in the first national tournament in Japan. Preparing 12 cards for three decks—one commemorative copy, one final version, and one ultimate version that evolved into the "Heavy Rain Flood Downpour Deck"—was sufficient. Greedy Snorlax, on the other hand, is a card that, if used well, 20 copies would be just right, making it the card with the highest number of inclusions.

When tallying up, the old back finds enjoyment beyond winning and losing with 15 decks. However, if the goal is to win, the Heavy Rain Flood Downpour Deck and the technical derivative using Brock's Ninetales would likely be the main contenders, with about 4 to 5 decks competing in the tournament. I regret dismantling all my decks. The comprehensive card list from that time is published in books, so if I dig through my storage, I can find them. Even with slight adjustments based on the latest rules, I can comprehensively guide the recipes for the strongest old back decks. But since I'm more of a professional than a hobbyist, the necessity is low.

(2024年 11月 1日 18時 36分 追加)

(2024年 11月 5日 0時 44分 追加)

(2024年 11月 8日 22時 00分 追加)
くいしんぼうガビゴンの使い方。 旧ポケモンのカードは新裏面よりもプレイ時間が長い前提だから、強力な攻撃力があるポケモンが少ない。 くいしんぼうカビゴンは、「無色2個エネルギー」4枚をデッキに入れる前提で使用する。 そうすると、カウンターをためて、3ターンに一回80ダメージを加えることができる。 無色2個エネルギーを使うので、逃げるコストの高さは問題が無い。 そうするとタネポケモンでありながら、3進化ポケモンと同等のパワーがあることが、当時のカードリストで比較しても了解できると思います。 3回に一回の80ダメージというのは制約が多いと感じるかもしれないが、3進化ポケモンを成長させるよりも早いので、相手に準備ができる前に沈黙させることができる。 60枚のデッキに、余計なサポートカードを入れないで、強力なダメージソースだけのデッキが構築可能になる。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー How to Use "Greedy Snorlax" Old Pokmon cards are designed with longer playtimes in mind compared to the new ones, so there are fewer Pokmon with powerful attacks. "Greedy Snorlax" is used with the assumption that you include four "Double Colorless Energy" cards in your deck. This allows you to accumulate counters and deal 80 damage every three turns. Using Double Colorless Energy means the high retreat cost is not an issue. As a Basic Pokmon, it has power comparable to a Stage 3 Pokmon, which can be understood by comparing it to the card list from that time. Although dealing 80 damage every three turns might seem restrictive, it is faster than evolving a Stage 3 Pokmon, allowing you to silence your opponent before they are ready. This enables the construction of a deck with only powerful damage sources, without the need for unnecessary support cards. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ポケモンカードの創成期に、MTGで集まる大人のカードユーザーたちに、対戦やイベントで、子供に交じって参加するならば、大人として子供の面倒を見るのは、参加するために大切な義務で、お店で買い物する事より重要だ。 当時私はそのように主張して、よき大人たちに受け入れられていました。 それで熱心なMTGの大人ユーザーたちと、ポケモンカードで遊ぶ子供たちのために、共同でお互いに私費を出してポケカを買って、熱心な研究会をしていたのです。 くいしんぼカビゴンについては、圧倒的な強さと入手の難しさから、MTGに詳しい大人たちはポケモンのJuzm Djinnと形容しました。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー How to Use "Greedy Snorlax" During the early days of Pokmon cards, I emphasized to the adult card users gathered for MTG that if they were to participate in battles and events alongside children, it was their important duty as adults to look after the kids, even more so than shopping at the store. At that time, my stance was well-received by the responsible adults. Together with these dedicated MTG adult users, we bought Pokmon cards with our own money and held enthusiastic study sessions for the children who played Pokmon cards. Due to its overwhelming strength and rarity, the adults familiar with MTG described "Greedy Snorlax" as the Pokmon equivalent of Juzm Djinn.

(2024年 11月 18日 18時 05分 追加)
調査結果を報告します。 PSAはくいしんぼカビゴンを、すべてCDプロモと分類します。 しかし、手持ちの出品以外の素性の確かな、初回の少量印刷N64プロモと大量に印刷されたCDプロモの品質を解剖顕微鏡で拡大してみると印刷の版が違うのが明快で、濃度に違いがあり、、弱点と抵抗力の右側にくいしんぼガビゴンの写真で淡い赤い色合いが見えるでしょうが、その赤の濃度とHOIL上の絵のカビゴンの右上の赤いフレアの濃度などが特に違います。 この鑑定には、素性の確かな両方を準備する事。 解剖顕微鏡や宝石鑑定用機材を準備して10倍から30倍までの拡大率で印刷の解像度を、詳細に比較すること。 印刷物に関して知識がある事。 この三つが必要です。 それで、日本で20000円だった、N64プロモとUSAで3ドルだったCDプロモを見分けることは可能でしょう。 私は、就職を念頭に日本の出版物などの印刷技術を学生時代に専門教育で教材に使うようなテキストを購入して学んで、印刷や出版には就職しなかったけども、印刷物の発注を職場で担当していました。 おかげで、カードの鑑定についても、コレクターから相談が舞い込むので、必要な機材を所有して確認手法は心得ているのです。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー Investigation Report PSA classifies all "Greedy Snorlax" cards as CD promos. However, when examining the quality of the initial limited print N64 promo and the mass-printed CD promo using a dissecting microscope, it is clear that the printing plates are different, and there are differences in density. You can see a faint red hue on the right side of the "Greedy Snorlax" photo near the weaknesses and resistances. The red density and the red flare on the upper right of the Snorlax illustration on the HOIL are particularly different. Requirements for Authentication Preparation of Both Types: Ensure you have both the initial limited print N64 promo and the mass-printed CD promo with verified provenance. Equipment: Use a dissecting microscope or gemological equipment to magnify the print resolution at 10x to 30x magnification for detailed comparison. Knowledge of Printing: Have knowledge of printing techniques. With these three requirements, it is possible to distinguish between the N64 promo, which was 20,000 yen in Japan, and the CD promo, which was 3 dollars in the USA. I studied printing techniques used in Japanese publications during my student days, purchasing textbooks used as teaching materials for specialized education. Although I did not pursue a career in printing or publishing, I was responsible for ordering printed materials at my workplace. As a result, collectors often consult me about card authentication, and I own the necessary equipment and am familiar with verification methods.

(2024年 11月 18日 19時 18分 追加)
出品に関して判明した事実をお伝えします。 このN64プロモは、キャンペーンで余剰が出た品をメディアファクトリーがポケモンカードゲーム大会向けにリパックした品だとわかりました。 N64のゲームハードを購入した人の受け取る未開封と違い、カードゲーム大会の報償として配布された未開封品です。 印刷は同じですが、パックしてある形態が違います。
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