Panther『Secret Lawns』

Panther『Secret Lawns』 收藏

当前价格: 700 日元(合 35.00 人民币)










开始时间:02/13/2025 19:20:15

个 数:1

结束时间:02/20/2025 19:20:15








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Charlie is Panther, and Panther is some mutant form of Charlie Salas-Humara. Churning out shattered pop hits that few have the ears to comprehend, Portland, Oregon's Panther is a one-man disaster squad. The music is hard match of damaged soul, falsetto disco and broken synth fueled freakouts which is as addictive as it is challenging. Panther isn't easily ignored for his unpredictable and energetic solo performances tainted with throbbing bass, minimalistic hooks and jittery dance routines. Panther's influences run deep and take as much from Pop and R&B as Free Jazz and Punk. In the past year Panther has infiltrated MTV2 (up for Video of the Year), Spin Magazine, and modern dance academia. While touring with both Ratatat and Gossip, he has managed to polarize audiences thoroughly between the immediate super-fans and super confused gawkers. Secret Lawns is the eagerly anticipated full-length follow up from last year's Yourself 12' and you'll discover that Panther knows no boundaries, not only in terms of genre but also social and societal. Panther recorded and played most of the instruments himself, excluding guest accompaniments from members of Yacht, White Rainbow, Plants, Point Line Plane, and E*Rock. The first 1000 copies of Secret Lawns come with a limited edition packaging and DVD which features several videos as well as the debut of Floor Dancing.

Product Description

Charlie is Panther, and Panther is some mutant form of Charlie Salas-Humara. Churning out shattered pop hits that few have the ears to comprehend, Portland, Oregon's Panther is a one-man disaster squad. The music is hard match of damaged soul, falsetto disco and broken synth fueled freakouts which is as addictive as it is challenging. Panther isn't easily ignored for his unpredictable and energetic solo performances tainted with throbbing bass, minimalistic hooks and jittery dance routines. Panther's influences run deep and take as much from Pop and R&B as Free Jazz and Punk. In the past year Panther has infiltrated MTV2 (up for Video of the Year), Spin Magazine, and modern dance academia. While touring with both Ratatat and Gossip, he has managed to polarize audiences thoroughly between the immediate super-fans and super confused gawkers. Secret Lawns is the eagerly anticipated full-length follow up from last year's Yourself 12'' and you'll discover that Panther knows no boundaries, not only in terms of genre but also social and societal. Panther recorded and played most of the instruments himself, excluding guest accompaniments from members of Yacht, White Rainbow, Plants, Point Line Plane, and E*Rock. The first 1000 copies of Secret Lawns come with a limited edition packaging and DVD which features several videos as well as the debut of Floor Dancing.

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