ライカ LEITZ ビンテージ ”Holdall combination case III” 1967年 オリジナルオリーブ グリーン皮 キャリング ケース+ 鍵 大変珍しい 一点
サイズ:W 28.5cm X H 18cm X D 13cm
Holdall combination case III with Inserts I and I
a) Insert I fitted for Position
1. One LEICA-M body
2.One LEICA-M body with
LEICAMETER and 35mm or 50mm lens or TELE-ELMARIT f/2.8 hood and covers
3.Three filters E 39, E 41, E 43, or series VI in containers
4.Lens f/4 135mm with lens hood and covers
5.21mm or 28mm lens with lens hood and covers
6.One lens f/2 90mm or f|2.8 135mm coupled with a 35mm lens or lens f/4 90mm or f/2.8 90mm each coupled with 35mm or 50mm lens. All lenses (except 35mm with finder attachment) with lens hood and covers
7.One finder attachment for lens f/2 50mm
8.One 21mm or 28mm brilliant finder
9.Space for films or additional filters in cont