ドイツ語訳車「Art of Classic Sports Cars:Anmut,Stil und Eleganz/クラシックスポーツカーの芸術:優雅,スタイリッシュ,エレガント」Stuart Codling文/James Mann撮影 Motor buch Verlag 2018年発行 205頁 1.62㎏ 31×25.4×2.2㎝ Hardcover
【 Motorbooks2007年刊英語原著より内容紹介】The Art of the Classic Sports Car offers a beautifully illustrated review of decades of high-performance cars from around the globe, all shot in the studio.
Sports cars are the athletes of the automotive world. Always nimble and quick, often powerful, sports cars fly where other cars lumber, and dash where others plod. The definition of a sports car is somewhat fluid, still, most car fans feel that they know a sports car when they see one, and when asked to name a few will rattle off Jaguar, Corvette, Triumph, MG, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lotus, Alfa-Romeo, BMW, and many others.……
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